Imperial Beach Swim Team

Imperial Beach Swim Team


            The Imperial Beach Swim Team is meant to provide all children of the South Bay community an opportunity to be exposed to the sport of competitive swimming.  It is open to all competitive swimmers up until the age of eighteen, following an individual assessment and evaluation by the head coach.

            The following pieces of equipment are essential and required for participation on the Imperial Beach Swim Team:

            Practice Suit: At least one practice suit, usually made out of nylon or lycra.

            Competitive Suit: A competitive suit is usually a tighter fit than practice
   suits and is used exclusively for competitions. A team suit will be chosen
   annually and will be stocked at a team price by a local swim shop. Though
   the team suit will not be required at this time, it is recommended, and if a
   swimmer choses not to wear the team suit, a competition suit (typically
   some form of green and gold – the team colors) is required.

            Swim Cap: A swim cap – either latex or lycra - is required of all swimmers
   with hair of a considerable length. One team cap will be provided to each
   swimmer, replacements will be available for purchase at $5 per cap. 

Goggles: All swimmers must wear goggles to protect their eyes from the
   water’s chemicals and enhance vision while swimming.

Towel: All swimmers must bring a towel to practice and competition.

            The following equipment is available and optional for IBST swimmers:

            Team Parka: Parkas are large jackets made exclusively for aquatic athletes.
  The IBST Team Parka is green with gold lining and is available for optional
  purchase at Dale’s Swim Shop or Paradowski’s Swim and Sport.

Dale’s Swim Shop                              Paradowski’s Swim and Sport
1150 Orange Avenue                                   7962 Convoy Court
Coronado, CA 92118                                    San Diego, CA 92111
(619)435-7301                                              (858)569-6946

Team Gear: Each year the team will order any or all of the following gear:
   sweatshirts, sweatpants, t-shirts, towels and bags. Swimmers may purchase
   the gear, out of pocket of via fundraising, if they so choose, though none of
   the gear is required.

The following documents and fees are required for membership on the Imperial Beach Swim Team:

USA Swimming Membership Card: Each IBST swimmer must obtain a valid USA Swimming Membership Card within 30 days of joining the team.  This membership is required for participation in competition and provides insurance for athletes during both practice and competition.  Membership extends from September through December of the following year and it is recommended that all swimmers renew membership in September.  In order to register, parents must fill out the Athlete Registration Application (found in the paperwork section of this website) and bring it, their child’s original birth certificate (copies will not be accepted) and a check for $60 made out to “San Diego – Imperial Swimming” directly to the San Diego – Imperial LSC Headquarters located at 1511 Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619)275-1292. Due to the original birth certificate requirement you MUST register your child in person - applications by mail will not be accepted.

Imperial Beach Swim Team Membership Application: All members of the Imperial Beach Swim Team must also fill out an IBST Membership Application after joining the team.  This form provides emergency contact information in the event of injury or otherwise and can be found in the paperwork section of this website.  We ask that all parents fill out and submit this form every year so that our records are current and up to date.

           • Imperial Beach Swim Team Athlete & Parent Handbook Contract:  When an athlete becomes a member of the Imperial Beach Swim Team, they receive a copy of the current Imperial Beach Swim Team Athlete & Parent Handbook. This handbook explains what IBST is, how it works and what is expected of both athlete's and their parents / guardians, while they are affiliated with the team. Athletes must read through this handbook with their parents or guardians and sign and return the Imperial Beach Swim Team Athlete & Parent Handbook Contract (the last page of the handbook) to the Coaching Staff or Board of Directors within 7 days of joining the team.

Dues: In order to be a member of the Imperial Beach Swim Team, athletes must pay a monthly fee, or dues, of $50. Dues will be collected by the Board of Director’s Secretary or Treasurer on the first of every month.  If dues are not paid by the 15th of the month (or the last practice day before the 15th if the 15th should fall on a weekend or non-practice day) they will ne considered late.  A $10 late fee will automatically be charged if dues are not received by the 15th.  Checks should be made payable to “IBST” and cash will also be accepted.

PLEASE NOTE: If a swimmer is in the water for ONE DAY, they will be required to pay the FULL MONTHLY DUES of $50. If a swimmer plans to take a month off, please notify the Board of Directors Secretary in advance to avoid charges for that month. The Imperial Beach Swim Team understands that circumstances may very and they will be addressed on a case by case basis as necessary, however unpaid dues in excess of three months may result in termination of membership. Feel free to address any monetary concerns with the Coaching Staff or Board of Directors and we will be happy to work with you as needed.

            Competition Fees: As a competitive USA Swimming Club Team, IBST participates in various meets (or competitions) throughout the season.  The fees for competition vary depending on the type of meet and number of events for the swimmer.  The flyers and fees for each of the upcoming 2013 meets can be found in the paperwork section of this website and will be addressed by the Coaching Staff as they come up. Official meet registration cards and fees are due to the host team 10 DAYS PRIOR to the date of the meet.  IBST due dates will be set by the Coaching Staff and Board of Directors as the meets come up with this deadline in mind, however please be sure that you submit your registration and fees to the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board on time in order to ensure participation.

PLEASE NOTE: Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, even if the swimmer does not attend the meet.

Novice Meets typically charge an eight dollar flat fee, regardless of the number of events.

Official Meets typically charge a five dollar entry fee and three or four dollars
per event.

Athlete Responsibilities:
Below are the responsibilities of Athletes on the Imperial Beach Swim Team:

• Practice takes place Monday through Thursday at the Mar Vista High School
Pool in Imperial Beach from 6:30-7:30pm. Athletes should not enter the pool
area until a member of the Coaching Staff is on deck, however they should be
present and ready to swim PRIOR to 6:30.  A 6:30 start time means all
athletes must be SWIMMING at 6:30, not arriving, changing or fooling
around.  All athletes are suggested to arrive at least five minutes prior to the
start of practice, and enter the water when instructed – not before.

PLEASE NOTE: Because the Mar Vista High School pool is owned by the Sweetwater Union High School District, practice times are subject to change based on the needs of the High School Programs and will be set by the Coaching Staff. Advance notice will be provided should practice times require adjustment.

            • Athletes are expected to come to practice on time and prepared with all of
the necessary equipment, a positive attitude and ready to learn, train and

•Athletes are expected to be respectful of the Coaching Staff, the Board of
Directors, the pool & its equipment, meet officials, leaders & spectators, each
other and of themselves, at all times.  During practice, athletes should pay
attention to any and all instruction; horseplay, fighting and foul language will
not be tolerated and will be disciplined as follows:

                                    First Offense: Verbal Warning
                                    Second Offense: Removal from water
                                    Third Offense: Discussion with parents

Additional or Consistent Offenses may result in termination of membership.

• Have FUN! By working hard individually and as a team, IBST hopes to
create a family atmosphere that will foster a sense of responsibility and
respect, helping all members accomplish their goals, develop positive self
image, enjoy the sport of competitive swimming, and create lifelong
friendships and memories with a terrific team.

Parent Responsibilities:
Below are the responsibilities of Parents of athletes on the Imperial Beach Swim Team:

• Practice takes place Monday through Thursday at the Mar Vista High School
Pool in Imperial Beach from 6:30-7:30pm. We would like athletes to arrive at
least 5 minutes  before practice begins in order to instill a sense of
punctuality and accountability in them that is essential for competitive meets
and the outside world.  Although it is your athlete’s responsibility to be
prepared and punctual, as many of these athletes’ main sources of
transportation, we ask that you please assist them in arriving on time. 
Practice ends at 7:30 and we ask that you also pick up your athlete on time so
that they are not forced to wait in any unsafe (it’s often dark) or unhealthy
(they are often wet and it is cold) conditions.

• Parents are expected to be respectful of the Coaching Staff, the Board of
Directors, the pool & its equipment, meet officials, leaders & spectators, each
other and of themselves at all times.

• Parents are responsible for the timely delivery of dues to the Board of
Directors’ Secretary and Treasurer each month.  They are also responsible
for the completion and submission of USA Swimming Membership Cards,
paperwork, meet registration cards, and competition fees when necessary.    

The success of our team relies heavily on the support from the parents and guardians of our athletes.  As a non-profit / parent run organization, we cannot stress the importance of your involvement enough. We hope that each parent or guardian becomes a part of our Imperial Beach Swim Team family and actively participates in team meetings, fundraising events, competition and operational duties as well as socials, providing enthusiasm, encouragement and unconditional love. With your help, the Imperial Beach Swim Team will continue to provide an excellent opportunity for the youth of our community to experience the sport of competitive swimming and reap all the rewards it has to offer.

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